Emma-Lin Moyer is a dedicated student of Emmaus High School as a member of Student Government and National Honor Society, and also serves as a peer tutor.
In the fall, Moyer plans on attending Temple University where she will study criminal justice and serve in the military through the Army Reserve and ROTC program.
Stinger: What is your favorite thing you’ve done with Student Government?
Moyer: I ran Mr. Emmaus my junior and senior year. Mr. Emmaus the past year, 2020, was really fun. I really enjoyed doing that.
Stinger: What goes into the planning of an event like Mr. Emmaus?
Moyer: Mr. Emmaus is probably one of the most difficult events to run in Student Government, it’s a lot of planning. So we have to get stage crew, a bunch of people helping behind the scenes that you don’t really know about, and then also just the dedication that the contestants put in is a lot. We practice for about two months every single week or twice a week, so it’s a lot of work.
Stinger: What made you choose to go into the Army?
Moyer: I’ve always been interested in being in the military. I was adopted from China and ever since I was young I felt like there was an interest in me to pursue that. It wasn’t until junior year in high school that I really took that initiative to look into it seriously. It’s honestly the idea of giving back to the country that welcomed me and then also just employment, security, and all of that too.
Stinger: What is your biggest inspiration?
Moyer: I think what motivates me the most is to never be stagnant and to always strive for better and for constant change. You can always do better and you never want to just go steady in life.
Stinger: What is your favorite memory from Emmaus?
Moyer: I just liked the little moments. Looking back now, [it was] going to class, walking to class every day with your friends, being able to enjoy people’s company.
Stinger: Do you have a specific memory that makes you say that?
Moyer: I really enjoyed Mr. Parish’s [economics] class my senior year first semester.
Stinger: What made that class your favorite?
Moyer: Well Mr. Parish is a great teacher in general and I just think in senior year, you have a different attitude, like not everything is taken too seriously [and] everyone in the class is super nice. It was really fun, Mr. Parish is really funny.
Stinger: What was your reaction when you found out about the initial school closing?
Moyer: The first time I found out about it being closed for a month it was kind of just relieving to have a break in a way. I was obviously upset because of everything going on and people getting sick because it’s a huge issue but when I found out that we were going to be closed for the rest of the year I was really upset because I felt like I was missing out on my senior year. I also felt like the decision was made too early, but I know that the government and Governor Wolf are doing everything they can to keep us safe.
Stinger: What have you been doing to keep busy during quarantine?
Moyer: So in the beginning it was really hard to occupy myself, I really like being busy so that was really hard for me, but once we got started I’ve been going outside a lot, working out, cooking, playing with my dogs, and then I also babysit now and then.
Stinger: Do you have any words to live by?
Moyer: I think it’s always important to do everything extra, like go the extra mile for things, love people extra, be kind to people extra, and it will come back to you in some way… I think the biggest thing with any aspect of life you’re in is to always just make the best of your situation. Try to find the good in everything, no matter what.