Created and produced by Tim Burton, “A Nightmare before Christmas” is an astonishing claymation Halloween movie. After its release on Oct. 19, 1993, the movie grossed $50 million in domestic box offices, making it a hit sensation. The director, Henry Selick, and every artist on set brought Burton’s vision to life, making an unforgettable movie.
Each character, song, and set is beautifully crafted to bring out the eccentric feel of the movie. Personally, the best aspect of “A Nightmare before Christmas” is the artistry that went into the claymation of the movie. The way the characters move and act with such emotion is extraordinary, especially since it was all made with just clay. Every character has a story to tell, and it’s told through their designs and interaction.
Overall, the plot, witty characters, and unforgettable musical tunes catch the hearts of many, creating long-lasting childhood memories from the movie’s release to now. It’s been a fan favorite ever since its debut, so it’s no wonder “A Nightmare before Christmas” was voted number one for best Halloween movie at Emmaus High School.
5/5 stars.