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Chris Kollar teaches in classroom and backstage

Kollar assists freshman Kayla Ofner, junior Bree Schoonover, and freshman Anna Williams on making sets for “Mama Mia!” backstage. Photo by Zoe Hulings.
Kollar assists freshman Kayla Ofner, junior Bree Schoonover, and freshman Anna Williams on making sets for “Mama Mia!” backstage. Photo by Zoe Hulings.

As the curtains close and applause rises from the audience, many think of the actors on the stage. However, behind the curtain lies a group of students, led by EHS math and design teacher Chris Kollar, who ensure the entire production goes smoothly.

With the upcoming “Mama Mia!” musical, Kollar and his crew get to work. The group personally builds each piece of the set, runs the lights, handles sound and microphones, and creates seamless transitions on stage. The crew’s job is to be invisible from the audience; however, that often means they do not get the recognition they deserve.

“Oftentimes there’s more going on backstage than there is onstage,” Kollar said.

Kollar doesn’t do it alone, though. Backstage holds a large crew of kids and adults. One of these adults, Jill Kuebler, teaches Theatre and Broadcasting & Film. Kuebler works as the Theatre Director backstage.

“I think the quality of our shows speaks volumes about the commitment of all the students involved, whether onstage or behind the scenes,” Kuebler said.

The two have been working together for some time and continually work to make the productions better than before.

“We definitely continue to push the limits,” Kollar explained. “As we build some stuff, we learn more, and as we learn more, we build more.”

When he’s not preparing for a show, Kollar teaches Design & Development, Geometry, and Stage Design.

EHS junior, member of the build crew, and previous student of Kollar, Jackson Kraft explains how the group is continuing to learn and create more complex projects thanks to Kollar.

“Mr. Kollar has a way of seeing things that I would not have caught before,” Kraft said. “He is able to see the problems that will arise five steps ahead and be able to do the math to fix it on the spot.”

Kollar, Kraft, Kuebler, and countless others backstage all work together to ensure the productions go off without a hitch. Kollar and his crew work tirelessly for hours after school ends, making sure each component of the build works flawlessly.

Because the crew spends so much time together, Kollar has formed a bond with the students who work alongside him.

“I’ve definitely always loved working with them [the students], definitely proud of their accomplishments,” Kollar said. “I think that something like crew is definitely a challenging thing.”

Overall, Kollar is extremely proud of the students he’s been working with and is excited to put on this year’s musical with them.

“Have you ever, like, heard that word synergy? To me, I feel like I never fully appreciated it until I started doing shows,” Kollar said. “When you see everything come together, it’s like some kind of magic, synergistic thing that happens.”

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