Well rounded and driven, Jackson Peterson is ready to start the next chapter of his life at Ursinus College. Peterson was president of the Red Cross Club his senior year, played lacrosse all four years, contributed to National Honors Society, and was a Hornet Ambassador.
In the fall he will major in biology, and have a dual minor in economics and physics. Peterson will also be continuing his lacrosse career at Ursinus, which plays at the Division III level.
Stinger: How do you feel you have impacted Emmaus?
Peterson: The biggest thing for me is I always try to be positive and have a good influence on other people. I try to bring people up rather than bring them down. For my teammates and stuff I try to push them to do the best they can, point things out to them, help them in all aspects of being a team — on and off the field.
Stinger: How have you changed since freshman year?
Peterson: Oh boy. Where do I start? I feel like coming in as a freshman I was so little, like I was such a little kid. Going through high school and being able to interact with people and making new friends really just changed me. The biggest thing for me is my maturity — I’ve just grown up so much it’s hard to think it was just four years ago I was that little kid. It’s crazy how time flies by. My teachers and classmates all pushed me to be the best that I can be. I feel like I’ve learned so much. Not just numbers and letters, I’ve learned so much outside of the classroom. Like how to work with people and how to put yourself in other people’s shoes.
Stinger: What excites you most about college?
Peterson: The friendships I’m going to make over the next four years.
Stinger: Favorite part about playing/being involved in the Red Cross Club?
Peterson: To me it was being able to know that you made such a huge impact on the community. I mean I think in all the blood drives I’ve been a part of, either three or four, we got like over 200 pints of blood, just from those blood drives. It’s just good to think that blood is going to save lives, that’s the biggest part to me. Like imagine if they had to go into surgery and they didn’t have the blood to keep someone alive and they just died on the table. I’m sorry to make it so dark, but that’s just a big thought for me.
Stinger: What is your most embarrassing high school memory?
Peterson: Oh god. Embarrassment is just a part of high school. What I’ve gathered from that is being in high school and growing up, it’s cringey. It’ll make you cringe. And it’ll only help you grow as a person. I can’t even think of one specific memory. There are so many. High school as a whole is embarrassing in a good way. The cringe is just a part of life at this point.
Stinger: Where was your favorite place at EHS?
Peterson: I spent a lot of time in the science hallway. Senior year I did a lot of work in the lab outside of class with Mrs. Barthold. I did a lot of microbio help in the first half of the year. I would do cultures, change medias, pour plates, and you know, just the grunt work. I definitely learned a lot from her. She has had a huge impact on my growth as a person. If there was one thing I could ask you to include, if I’m allowed to even do that, is how she’s changed me as a person. She’s been here for a long time and she’s had a great career. I’m sure that all the science teachers in that department will miss her a lot.