Trigger Warning: This article discusses topics of sexual assault and rape.
Melanie Martinez, a pop-star known for comforting those who do not fit in, has been re-accused of committing a sex crime against her former friend, Timothy Heller.
Heller came forward in December 2017, claiming that she was coerced into sexual contact by Martinez during a sleepover they were having. She came out about this on Twitter, now X, starting her statement by talking about her codependency on Martinez.
“Codependency works in a lot of strange ways. In my relationship with this friend, I was dependent on helping her with her life,” Heller states.
Further into the statement, Heller explains that she had a sleepover with Martinez, where she was begged for hours to have some form of sexual contact. Heller says that she repeatedly said no, but Martinez persisted until Heller complied out of exhaustion and confusion to one of Martinez’s requests. However, according to Heller, it went further than what she agreed to.
“[She] never said no to what we chose to do together. And although we parted ways, I am sending her love and light always,” Martinez replied after Heller’s statement was released.
So, why is this important now?
On July 19, 2024, Heller had released a video to her TikTok account after years of being silent. This video consists of reiterating her accusation, and stating that she never lied..
“During the MeToo movement, I chose to speak out against a former friend that has SA’d me. I was young, naive, and could never imagine how this would end up affecting my life,” Heller said.
For the rest of Heller’s video, she talks about how Martinez’s fans ran her off the internet to try and clear their idol’s name, stating that she had been doxxed and threatened for years. She spoke about how isolated she felt within her own mind, and that she was beginning to question the worth of her life.
Martinez has yet to respond to this video as of Sept. 9, although fans don’t know if she ever will.
This video sent older Martinez fans into a deep dive of the past. Most of her fanbase was young when the allegations first came out. In the midst of fans trying to find the truth, a rumor went around stating that Heller had allegedly admitted to lying about the accusations against Martinez, which was later disproved by Heller herself when she clarified she never lied or said she was lying. This new piece of evidence made the older fans of Martinez’s to rethink who they should support. Especially her fans who have been victims of sexual assault.
“To the people who didn’t believe Timothy Heller, I also don’t remember the date of my assaults. I never reported my ex to the police. I dated my ex for another three months. I didn’t say the word no. Am I a liar to you? Are you going to tell me you don’t believe my story?… You’re actively discrediting all victims with this rhetoric,” @s0f.jpeg explains on TikTok.
When it all comes down to it, we don’t really know the celebrities we idolize? Could Martinez be innocent? Sure. But do you want to be on her side if she isn’t? Parasocial relationships are only good for one thing; clouding people’s judgments.
mynameisleena • Mar 10, 2025 at 11:55 am
I don’t like how Timothy Heller lies about stuff like she knows melanie didn’t rape her I will always choose melanie and timothy is a lying faking human being If you are a true melanie’s fan you know the truth if you’re a timothy heller fan then know melanie didn’t rape her because all Timothy does is lie and fake she’s a great actor she should be in a movie
Johnathan • Feb 26, 2025 at 4:37 pm
Innocent till proven guilty unless this so called “rape” happened why didn’t she use a rape kit at a hospital? Why didn’t she tell the police I get it you would be scared but cmon now you waited till “omg Melanie Martinez is famous now is my time to make accusations” seriously suspicious Melanie also was on the voice the same day this accusation day was made so nice try girl but you ain’t going to lie on peoples names you just so desperate for attention
sofia • Feb 17, 2025 at 7:40 am
the part where it says you risk believing the rapist, but what if she is innocent? what if shes not? that sentence is manipulation if you wanna be believed so bad that let people choose if they will or not; but gas lighting them to believe you makes you look horrible.. if this hurt you so bad take legal action instead of posting it online for everyone to see you as that one thing- from a 5 year sexual assault survivor
Sydney • Feb 13, 2025 at 11:53 am
Idc about this, I still luv Melanie
mynameisleena • Mar 10, 2025 at 11:51 am
me too I don’t care i will always love melanie
Marina • Feb 7, 2025 at 11:08 am
Timothy Heller is a liar as we all probably know. I agree with Binx but is Melanie bisexual?
Lucky • Jan 22, 2025 at 9:20 pm
Everyone in the comments missed the last sentences. Could Mel be innocent? Yea. But if she isn’t are you really gonna stay on her side til it’s proven? I’m a Mel fan, but I know what Timothy could be going through if it’s true. I’d rather be wrong by trusting someone I believe could be a victim, than wrong about my fav artist being a r*pist. The lack of cease and desist for defamation from Mel’s team doesn’t help, and her lack of response.
Everlyn • Jan 15, 2025 at 6:57 pm
If it’s resurfacing she’s probably already faced her trial in 2017 and she must have been proven innocent due to fact that her careeer is still going
daniel • Jan 24, 2025 at 7:06 am
That’s not how it works genius, that’s why we have actual courts. And she never made it that big career wise. Victim’s testimony is very reliable
Binx • Jan 15, 2025 at 10:32 am
As a SA survivor, and who watched the whole drama unfold in real time, Tim clearly lied.
I bet money that she and Mel DID hook up, Tim’s bf caught on and she convinced HIM it was SA.
When there is evidence that your abuser was in another state, You claim only you wore the kink set yet you show a photo proving opposite, when you literally admit you lied then say someone edited that. Timothy cried wolf and gives REAL survivors a bad rep. Tim CHOSE to cheat with Mel and got caught and twisted it. Tim has the money to and claims to sue Mel. She did back then too. What lawyer wouldn’t jump at the chance to take down a big name celeb? Shame on the people who doxxed anyone, but also shame on Timothy for contributing to the discrediting of real survivors. Also she can easily be a faceless musician like Sia or Deadmau5, so no her career isn’t ruined.
daniel • Jan 24, 2025 at 7:08 am
Hey genius, you think its easy to remember the date from something happening years ago? People always disbelieve SA victims, you should be ashamed, what if people disbelieve you? She stands by it 7 years later, and her testimony is reliable.
Lana • Jan 27, 2025 at 11:16 pm
I’m not a fan of either- I actually don’t know either of them outside of this situation.
I 100% believe Timothy. She ruined her entire life trying to speak about what happened to her- had to go ghost for years- and still came back choosing to stand with what she said years ago, and received so much backlash for.
fifi • Feb 9, 2025 at 4:52 pm
i agreed, everything you said has a point. I am also a SA survivor and currently a victim of another, going against somebody i have almost no evedince about but what i do know is that it really did happen. Plus SA is just something melanie would not do like you never honestly know but isnt like all of her music based on trauma?
Lucy Hooper • Jan 3, 2025 at 12:20 am
I heard Timothy Heller is generally a bad person. Because she posts videos of miners or something crazy like that, but I’m a huge Melanie Martinez fan and it would be upsetting if she did do it. But there’s a lot of reasons to believe that Timothy is just jealous I’m not saying that melanie didn’t do it. I am on Melanie’s side though. But I would love to hear her response to it. I would be more positive on this side I’m on.
Noah • Dec 21, 2024 at 11:30 am
I think Melanie’s innocent bc I’ve been a fan did a deep dive and she did nothing wrong so in know personally she’s innocent I also work for her so yea
Juliette Jo • Dec 19, 2024 at 6:13 pm
“sHe nEveR sAid nO” that actually made me feel uneasy for a bit. I know that I am very late to the situation (which recently, Melanie hasn’t responded to), but I will stay in neutral knowing that there are just allegations, and that we need actual proof to know what is true or not.
What really bothers me is that both Melanie supporters and Timothy supporters are sending death threats and SA threats to each other, and even the people on neutral are being sent threats. I will not be picking sides until further notice, which I highly doubt that Melanie will respond to the allegations.
Eve • Mar 8, 2025 at 12:56 am
I also am staying neutral, as much as I love Melanie. I do not know who is lying or not, they could be both telling the truth or lying. The thing is though, we might never know. And besides, I like to remind myself in these situations that it’s not our place to judge or snoop. They have their own respective lives and we don’t have the right to villanise either of them. And final note, people make mistakes. As simple as that. I hope this all turns out well though
Taylor • Dec 4, 2024 at 1:46 pm
I feel really bad for Timothy Heller. Unfortunately justice wasn’t served. Yes I am a fan of Melanie’s music but I can’t support her as a person if these things are true. My heart breaks for Timothy.
• Jan 18, 2025 at 6:19 pm
I’m sorry to disappoint or disagree, but how do you know if Timothy is telling to truth?I’ve been a Mel fan for 4 years, not like that helps prove my point lol, I know Mel is a bit crazy but she wouldn’t do anything like that tho
Devry • Jan 25, 2025 at 4:27 pm
How do you know Melanie is telling the truth? Celebrities lie about everything.
Court • Feb 3, 2025 at 10:19 pm
You don’t know mel
Henry Boehm • Nov 14, 2024 at 10:58 pm
To accuse someone of severe, potentially career ending crimes. Is serious enough. But to have this person openly share that she was compliant. This kind of thing being reported on at all needs to be overseen. You can’t stop someone from making accusations but if they are openly unfounded, and more an issue of someone not taking responsibility for they’re own actions. This hurting the accused is very real. It’s all on the media. If they aren’t spreading it. Most people won’t have the chance to wrongly judge someone who is innocent. (Innocent of the specific crime) While peer pressure is real you still have every ability to remove yourself from the situation. (As it was described) This is a huge problem. It absolutely needs to be made an example of
Paige martinez • Nov 23, 2024 at 10:15 pm
It is a huge problem it’s not okay and it will never be
Alexis Dawson • Dec 1, 2024 at 6:12 pm
Have you ever been a victim of sexual abuse? If you haven’t I suggest you stop continuing to spread disinformation. There is ALOT of psychology that goes into this, and being compliant doesn’t equal consent. If being compliant means it isn’t sexual abuse then that means what my dad did to me as a child wasn’t either, by your standards. Coercion isn’t consent. Compliance isn’t consent, not verbally saying no =/= consent, only CONSENT equals consent. And with the fact that 1 in 3 women will be sexually abused before the age of 18 is pretty telling… and it’s those loopholes people like YOU keep giving to these perpetrators that 9 out of 10 SA cases will walk Scott free. Abusers know what they are doing and they are good at it. Quit making excuses for them. Cause if/when they do get caught, they get a minor slap on the wrist and maybe 1 year in protective custody in prison… but us victims suffer our ENTIRE lives. And unlike rapists who get everything provided to them. My abuser got a college degree in prison, new teeth, when he got released he was put on social security (since he can’t be employed at most places) they got him into a low income house where he pays nothing, food stamps, medical, and full mental health care. He is thriving. Me on the other hand, I get nothing. I can’t even get a damn trauma therapist unless I pay $250 per session, I’m unemployable because of my ptsd and all I get is food stamps. Nothing else, and least of all the trauma therapy I need to heal from this. Our state cares more about the rights, protection and quality of lie of rapists. But doesn’t give af about victims. And look at California, they released like 10,000 convicted sex offenders many of which hadn’t even served a full 2 months yet due to “overcrowding”… why release the second worse kind of person next to a murderer? Then let’s talk about trafficking. Do you even know how to spot a woman that’s being trafficked? Cause I will bet you have encountered dozens of them and had no clue. The US is the #1 biggest consumer of child sex trafficking. Let that sink in. Now think about the thousands of children that go missing here and are never found. We have a sexual abuse pandemic in this country but people just want to keep sweeping it under the rug and pretend it isn’t happening. Or worse, making excuses for these monsters. I’m sorry, I love Melanie’s music. But even the best of people can be disguising the worst monsters ever. Women can be abusers too. And rapists are often the most overlooked person, the most liked person, the most “unlikely” person to commit the act.
Kenneth • Dec 15, 2024 at 6:01 am
Hey babes, I’m entirely sorry that has happened to you and good job on staying educated and doing your research. However, regarding the situation that happened to Melanie Martinez and especially upon further investigation, there’s just too many things in their stories that just doesn’t sit right with me. Especially with Timothy Heller since obviously she was the one to speak the most on it. There has been videos of old friends from her Twitter that has also spoken about the issue and came forward about it was well that’s out there for you and others to see. There was a day where I’ve spent three full hours going through all of what was actually stated by Timothy and things that have been written down and recorded over the internet.
I COMPLETELY understand where you’re coming from, imagine if this were a man, right? Timothy came online with a VERY disturbingly detailed story about what went on with her and Melanie for about two nights before she eventually came in because she felt trapped. It’s very disgusting to read. She had mentioned how all she wanted to do was sleep and she kept getting pressured, it was also later documented in another interview that that wasn’t the case (please just research this entire thing, because it gets messy, and I don’t really care about the switch up of dates because it can happen, so I get that part, but everything else that people haven’t actually done their own reassessment on is insane… we’re also not going to talk about the “she admitted it was a lie” because that’s not the case, someone made it up with AI to make Timothy look bad, so everything I’m about to mention here on out is actually factual documented information, just clearing some air). In fact in a later interview, and again, the original statement was how Melanie had kept begging and how Timothy was VERY sleepy and eventually she gave in just laying there while Melanie assaulted her allegedly penetrating her as well, but later on in an interview she had mentioned how the story was actually different. This time she had bought a came with Melanie because SHE thought it would be a funny game… keep in mind this is a sex game that was bought. If you’re buying a sex game, you know what’s about to go down. She mentioned it was a dice that had to be rolled or something similar to pick a position ion the game. You CANNOT PICK a roll in a game such as “lick elbow”. When I play Dungeons and Dragons, I CANNOT PICK my roll to be a 20, so that’s just a lie no matter how you slice it. If she were to pick a roll that had her do something more sexually motivated in a game, that’s the roll. She had mentioned in her Tweet that all she wanted to do was sleep, yet here we are coming up with a choice to buy a sex game (something Timothy wanted to do) which doesn’t make sense. There’s also a picture of them playing it where Melanie is blind folded and cuffed I think, something Timothy did. It doesn’t make sense.
There’s a lot of other “interesting” things that happened with that game, but moving on to the next topic. I will go out of my way to find this video because it HAS been taken down since I’ve done research on this topic in case I need references, but one of Timothy Hellers ex-friends tweeted a VIDEO during the time this happened that Timothy has told her about Melanie calling her repeatedly, but Timothy didn’t answer the phone because she thought it was funny and thought of the entire thing as a sick joke. During the interview Timothy DID mention that Melanie tried calling her, but she didn’t answer because she was so upset about what happened, but apparently that wasn’t the case.
Another thing is that Melanie has told Timothy time and time again (in a nicely manner) that she should seek help because I believe Timothy has a disorder if I recalled correctly. Again, I researched this for maybe 3-4 hours trying to understand the entire situation and not just a quote that people seem to mistake. Anyway, Timothy had mentioned that she was OBSSESSD with Melanie. She’d go out of her way to dress as her, “her fans were becoming my fans”, she loved getting the attention and there’s even a few times where they looked almost just alike. This next bit isn’t really anything to prove as it is my own personal bias as to why this just doesn’t make any sense, but Timothy was a little jealous of Melanie Martinez and it’s very weird that she had such an obsession with her to begin with. For this, I will actually directly quote what she said because it just rubbed me the wrong way and was VERY strange… “ T had my own problems, but if I could focus on her life, I could put off dealing with my own inner turmoil for just a bit longer. Some of her fans became my fans, but their loyalty never strayed from her. They are dedicated. She’s perfect. To the public, she can do no wrong. She’s there for her fans. She gets it, she’s different.” To open up with almost two entire paragraphs about being obsessed with her is crazy work to me. The icing on the cake is releasing music after going viral with this post. And since I looked this up, I’ll actually double check on what Timothy Heller has. Personality Disorder. Look up a lot of things people with PD did, and it’s all very telling with all that’s happened in this situation.
With that said, I don’t think she got raped. However, I DO believe Tomothy and Melanie obviously did something that night, which they both agreed to do so, then they probably had a falling out later in their relationship since apparently they haven’t spoken to each other for a year (not after the incident, Timothy mentioned that Melanie didn’t have time for her anymore… again, which makes the timing of all this suspicious to me), and after that Timothy decided to weaponize what they’ve done against her. I can understand not liking something you’ve done or regretting it because now you might dislike the person, I’ve been there when I’ve reconsidered how I’ve actually felt during a sexual encounter I’ve had, but to go out of your way to show people you’re obsessed (if not jealous), make a tweet about not wanting to do something, say it was all your idea to play a game that didn’t even COME TO LIGHT IN YOUR ORIGINAL STATEMENT WHICH IS CRAZY WORK, and then have a friend call you out about it yet double down is insane to me.
Deidre Padgett • Dec 23, 2024 at 7:03 pm
So true, I am a victim pf SA, but since I was both the ages of 7 and 11 years old, no one took it seriously…
Jocelyn • Dec 29, 2024 at 5:04 pm
I’m a minor and I’ve been sexually harassed, but her coming out 7 years later is very odd why did she wait so long??? And why now??
Audrey • Jan 3, 2025 at 8:59 pm
You spoke out for a lot more people than you think and you just made me be ok with saying I was a victim after being peer pressured. Thanks Alexis
Nela • Jan 4, 2025 at 6:16 am
Hello, thank You for this comment, I absolutely agree. Thank You for speaking up! I hope you are and will be doing better. I’m with You. Sending love.
fifi • Feb 9, 2025 at 5:28 pm
i thought compliant dosent mean consent only if ur a minor
Audrey • Jan 3, 2025 at 9:01 pm
Henry. Fuck you.